🥑How to buy $CADT

  1. Please see CADT on our How To Buy section of our documentation.

  2. Visit the CoachAI DAO website

  3. Visit our Website and click Dashboard at the top right, or go to our Dashboard directly.

  4. The Dashboard will show key metrics like TVL and CADT price.

  5. Click "Stake" on the left

  6. This will take you to the Staking interface.

  7. Connect your wallet, approve, and stake!

  8. The first time you stake, you will need to approve the staking mechanism. This will take a few seconds and will cost a small amount of BNB.

NOTE: When you stake your CADT tokens, there is a warmup period of 3 rebases (about 24 hours). This is to stop people from buying immediately before a rebase and selling immediately after. During this period, you can still unstake your tokens, but you will lose the additional rewards.

Remember to add sCADT to your wallet by hovering over the button at the top right

  1. Remember to add sCADT to your wallet by hovering over the button at the top right

  2. Rewards are paid in sCADT, so remember to add it to your wallet.

  3. To unstake, just click "Unstake" on the staking interface

  4. As with staking, you will need to approve this mechanism first.

Last updated